I don't think everyone in the world has their laptop practically
in a hip holster such as myself but I know that a good majority of people have
laptops and that they eventually have issues with their batteries becoming
exhausted. To get the most out of your laptop for an extended period of time,
you need to take regular care of your battery.
Here are some tips to make your laptop battery last longer:1. Stop Multitasking - Turn off any unnecessary programs that are running. Each program adds to your CPU (central processing unit, or processor in Lehman's terms) load and cut into your battery's life.
2. Stay Cool - Your laptop runs more efficiently at a cool to moderate temperature. Ever notice how when it gets hot it sounds like it's going to grow jet engines & burst right off your desk? Yeah, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure this out but it's still something we (I) continually forget. Another tip: clean the air vents!
3. Cut Down - Any superfluous USB devices (including your mouse) & WiFi exhaust your battery. I know, I KNOW YOU NEED YOUR IPOD, but seriously, having it plugged in 24/7 is ruining your laptop!
4. Don't Be So Demanding - The more you demand from your laptop the less it's going to be able to give you in the long run so prioritize your computer activities.
5. Turn It Down - Dim your screen display! You really don't need them at full brightness during the day so save that energy for when you need it!
6. Customize Your Power Options - Depending on what operating system you're on the directions may vary but get into your power settingpower usage is optimized (hit up the 'max battery' option for the best results).
7. Shhhh!!! You do not need your volume full blast, especially when you're not actually listening to anything, so turn down the volume or better yet, mute it.