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Monday, 16 September 2013

My First Experince..

Dah lame x update blog ni, bukan ape sebenarnye busy sangat kat tempat kerje ni. Tapi sebelum tu, I ad la cerita nk tulis kat blog ni...Ni kisah dua bulan lepas sebenarnya tapi biarlah saje nk kongsi2 kat blog ni, maklumla tkde topik nk cerita..hahaha. Well, 2 bulan lepas aq dapat peluang yang sngt berharga dalam hidup, sememangnya dah jadi salah satu impian dan cita2 aq la nk menaik "belon" atau kapal terbang. Maklumlah org kampung yang jakun dan tak pernah rase naik kapal terbang jd apabila dapat peluang ni memang syok la. Boleh dikatekan hebat la, first fly terus ke Sabah negeri di bawah bayu. Bukan main excited lg rase hati ni. Kiteorng punye flight pukul 7.15 pagi jd kene smpai airport awl2 pg la bukan ape tkut terlepas flight je..hehehe.

Semasa menunggu untuk boarding...

Lebih kurang2 jam menunggu akhirnya detik2 yang dinanti telah tiba. Selalunya kalau kite mula2 nk cube sesuatu pasti gemantar tetapi lain dengan aq ni, langsung tak rase ape2, padalah ni adalah first time aq nk try something tak ape la...Alhamdulillah, akhirnya aq dapat jugak menaiki kapal terbang. Ni ada beberape gmbar yg sempat aq snap kat dalam flight.

Canggih betul...not boring...
Pemandangan yg cantik
Its cool

Alhamdulillah selepas 2 jam akhirnya sampai jugak Sabah. Ape lg sesampainya di airport terus called my auntie la. Tp x jumpe terus dengan dia sebab dia tak stay di KK. Percutian aq di Sabah selama empat hari tp x banyak tempat yang sempat pergi sebenarnya kerana kesuntukan masa. Urusan rasmi perlu i right? Tp kalau cakap x pergi ke tempat yang popular tu tipu la, mcm bndar KK, pasar Filipina, Kundasang dan banyak lagi la. Tp sebenarnya perjalanan kali ni bukannya nk suke2 tp hanya untuk mendapatkan pengalaman dan pengetahuan. Insyallah kalau ada rezeki lebih...SABAH I WILL COME AGAIN...WAIT FOR ME...

Pulau Gaya
Ok la sampai di sini sahaja celoteh kali ini. Insyallah akan ada new update from me next time...bye2

Sunday, 2 June 2013

SelaMat PengganTin BaRUuuu...

Lately ni ramai yang melangsungkan perkahwinan masing2...Tak ketinggalan kawan kiteorg yang sorng ni..Alhamdulillah ROZIAH HARUN telah selamat diijabkabulkan dengan pasangan dye RIZUAN pada 29 MEI 2013...Perkahwinan mereka ni akan jadi kenangan terindah buat kami semua sbb ni mgkin last buat kami semua kat sini. Lepas ni x tau la pulak ble bleh jumpe...Buat Roziah dan suami SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU semoga berkekalan hingga akhir hayat...(kawin kawin gak, jgn lupe final exam)...:-) 

 This is Our beautiful Bride and groom..cantikkan

 Dua jejake yang nak ikut kiteorng...bukan ape tu dapat makan free...hehehe

  ...So Sweet...

Free style...peace...

...29 MEI 2013...

Thursday, 16 May 2013

My Last ProGram 2013...

Alhamdulillah segalanya telah berakhir dengan jayanya program kali ni....terima kasih kepada pensyarah kami Cik Ayu yang banyak memberi tunjuk ajar dan pengetahuan yang berguna kepada kami semua... Ini merupakan kenangan terindah kami semua sebagai pelajar semester akhir KOMUNIKASI...

Pelajar tahun akhir komunikasi organisasi

 main roda impian jap...

 Hensem and Beautiful MC...somcai dengan chie

 Peserta yg pura2 happy hakikatnye berdebar utk present...hahah

 Sultanah Bahiyah punye bas pun datang...heheh

 Big bos program yg sentiasa busy...

 Ramai yang datang berkunjung....

Thank for our Lecturer Miss Ayu Omar...

For those who came and support us..thank you very much...this is my great memory...For all my Cousemate especially minor in Organization Communication, I wish all of you become a great person and happy in your life forever. Don't forget about beautiful memory that we create together...bye bye..

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Want to gain weight? Try these 5 easy tips...

It is a common phenomenon that we hear that people talk about losing weight and making special New Year resolutions to ooze out that extra fatty layer from their waists, but what about those who want to gain weight and add on a few extra kilos to get that perfect chubby look?

Let me tell you, if you want to learn the art of gaining weight, you don’t just have to eat, eat and eat, but eat the right food and yes enough of them.

Read on to know the best tips to gain weight this season.

 Increase calorie intake

Yes, you heard it right. You need to eat more than your usual calorie intake as this is the simplest way to gain those extra kilos. Eat a lot of protein rich food like beans, pulses etcetera. Then, add dairy products like eggs, fish, and meat to your platter. You can also gorge on starchy food like potato as they help in gaining weight early. But, remember to add only those many calories that are required and not too much that it converts into fat. Another important advice is try to stick to a time routine for consuming meals and you will see the difference yourself.

Snacking in between meals

It should be kept in mind especially for a person who wants to gain weight that he/she should never skip meals. Try eating every 2-3 hours. This will ensure that a consistent level is maintained and your body gets the necessary supplements without a break. You can divide your food into say 3 main meals with 3 in between small meals. One can try a handful of dry fruits, energy bars, granola, chikki and laddoo for snacks.

Say no to junk food

They are very tempting and finger licking good, but eating junk is not the answer to your weight gain query as they contain large amount of calories, bad fats and off course very little nutrition. So, a burger or a pizza or finger chips are a strict no as eating too much fast foods help weight gain through fat, not through healthy lean muscle. Also, as a healthy advice avoid consuming processed food.

Eat a balanced diet

In your quest to gain weight, one should remember to eat a balanced diet and include a variety of nutrients like proteins, starch, vitamins, minerals etcetera so that the body is not used to eating just certain foods. Also, while choosing a balanced meal, one should avoid eating foods that contain bad fats like Dalda, red meat, margarine etcetera as they are bad for the health of your heart and will only leave you more worried.

Stay hydrated

Drink plenty of water, milk, fresh juices and energy drinks to ensure you are properly hydrated. As a healthy advice drink at least 8-10 glasses of water each day. But, remember not to drink water before meal and in between the meal as it may decrease your calorie intake.

                                                                       Healthy food

10 Tips to Study Smart and Save Time

Building an Understanding
Learning is a process similar to building a house. You aren’t fed the complete picture. Limitations on communication prevent the instantaneous transmission of knowledge. Instead you listen to lectures, read textbooks and take painstaking notes to try and comprehend a subject.
You are fed building supplies, bricks, mortar and glass. It is up to you to assemble the building. Unfortunately, most learning strategies fall into two basic types:
  1. Memorization – Instead of building anything you simply stare at each brick for several minutes trying to record its position.
  2. Formulas – This is the equivalent to being blind, fumbling around a new house. You can’t see the building itself but you learn to come up with simple rules to avoid walking into walls.
Learning Holistically

The alternative strategy is to focus on actually using the information you have to build something. This involves linking concepts together and compressing information so it fits in the bigger picture. Here are some ideas to get started:
  1. Metaphor – Metaphors can allow you to quickly organize information by comparing a complex idea to a simple one. When you find relationships between information, come up with analogies to increase your understanding. Compare neurons with waves on a string. Make metaphors comparing parts of a brain with sections of your computer.
  2. Use All Your Senses - Abstract ideas are difficult to memorize because they are far removed from our senses. Shift them closer by coming up with vivid pictures, feelings and images that relate information together. When I learned how to do a determinant of a matrix, I remembered the pattern by visualizing my hands moving through the numbers, one adding and one subtracting.
  3. Teach It - Find someone who doesn’t understand the topic and teach it to them. This exercise forces you to organize. Spending five minutes explaining a concept can save you an hour of combined studying for the same effect.
  4. Leave No Islands – When you read through a textbook, every piece of information should connect with something else you have learned. Fast learners do this automatically, but if you leave islands of information, you won’t be able to reach them during a test.
  5. Test Your Mobility - A good way to know you haven’t linked enough is that you can’t move between concepts. Open up a word document and start explaining the subject you are working with. If you can’t jump between sections, referencing one idea to help explain another, you won’t be able to think through the connections during a test.
  6. Find Patterns – Look for patterns in information. Information becomes easier to organize if you can identify broader patterns that are similar across different topics. The way a neuron fires has similarities to “if” statements in programming languages.
  7. Build a Large Foundation - Reading lots and having a general understanding of many topics gives you a lot more flexibility in finding patterns and metaphors in new topics. The more you already know, the easier it is to learn.
  8. Don’t Force - I don’t spend much time studying before exams. Forcing information during the last few days is incredibly inefficient. Instead try to slowly interlink ideas as they come to you so studying becomes a quick recap rather than a first attempt at learning.
  9. Build Models – Models are simple concepts that aren’t true by themselves, but are useful for describing abstract ideas. Crystallizing one particular mental image or experience can create a model you can reference when trying to understand. When I was trying to tackle the concept of subspaces, I visualized a blue background with a red plane going through it. This isn’t an entirely accurate representation of what a subspace is, but it created a workable image for future ideas.
  10. Learning is in Your Head – Having beautiful notes and a perfectly highlighted textbook doesn’t matter if you don’t understand the information in it. Your only goal is to understand the information so it will stick with you for assignments, tests and life. Don’t be afraid to get messy when scrawling out ideas on paper and connecting them in your head. Use notes and books as a medium for learning rather than an end result.

LoVE QuOTes..

Love is beautiful for those who really appreciate it:

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Lappy oh Lappy

I don't think everyone in the world has their laptop practically in a hip holster such as myself but I know that a good majority of people have laptops and that they eventually have issues with their batteries becoming exhausted. To get the most out of your laptop for an extended period of time, you need to take regular care of your battery.
Here are some tips to make your laptop battery last longer:

1. Stop Multitasking - Turn off any unnecessary programs that are running. Each program adds to your CPU (central processing unit, or processor in Lehman's terms) load and cut into your battery's life.

2. Stay Cool - Your laptop runs more efficiently at a cool to moderate temperature. Ever notice how when it gets hot it sounds like it's going to grow jet engines & burst right off your desk? Yeah, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure this out but it's still something we (I) continually forget. Another tip: clean the air vents!

3. Cut Down - Any superfluous USB devices (including your mouse) & WiFi exhaust your battery. I know, I KNOW YOU NEED YOUR IPOD, but seriously, having it plugged in 24/7 is ruining your laptop!

4. Don't Be So Demanding - The more you demand from your laptop the less it's going to be able to give you in the long run so prioritize your computer activities.

5. Turn It Down - Dim your screen display! You really don't need them at full brightness during the day so save that energy for when you need it!

6. Customize Your Power Options - Depending on what operating system you're on the directions   may vary but get into your power settingpower usage is optimized (hit up the 'max battery' option for the best results).

7. Shhhh!!! You do not need your volume full blast, especially when you're not actually listening to anything, so turn down the volume or better yet, mute it.

Prime Minister of Malaysia

 This is our Prime Minister. As Malaysian we should proud of them...

    (From Aug 28, 1957 to Sept 21, 1970)

     (From Sept 22, 1970 to Jan 14, 1976)

    (From Jan 15, 1976 to July 16, 1981)

     (From July 16, 1981 to Oct 31, 2003)

    (From Oct 31, 2003 to April 3, 2009)

     (From April 3, 2009 - ) 

Beautiful and Talented

This girls is very great... I like them very much, so enjoy this video...


Listening Skill

 1. Stop Talking
If we were supposed to talk more than we listen, we would have two tongues and one ear.” Mark Twain.
Don't talk, listen.  When somebody else is talking listen to what they are saying, do not interrupt, talk over them or finish their sentences for them.  Stop, just listen.  When the other person has finished talking you may need to clarify to ensure you have received their message accurately.

2. Prepare Yourself to Listen
Relax.  Focus on the speaker.  Put other things out of mind.  The human mind is easily distracted by other thoughts – what’s for lunch, what time do I need to leave to catch my train, is it going to rain – try to put other thoughts out of mind and concentrate on the messages that are being communicated.

3. Put the Speaker at Ease
Help the speaker to feel free to speak.  Remember their needs and concerns.  Nod or use other gestures or words to encourage them to continue.  Maintain eye contact but don’t stare – show you are listening and understanding what is being said.

4. Remove Distractions
Focus on what is being said: don’t doodle, shuffle papers, look out the window, pick your fingernails or similar. Avoid unnecessary interruptions.  These behaviors disrupt the listening process and send messages to the speaker that you are bored or distracted.

5. Empathise
Try to understand the other person’s point of view.  Look at issues from their perspective.  Let go of preconceived ideas.  By having an open mind we can more fully empathise with the speaker.  If the speaker says something that you disagree with then wait and construct an argument to counter what is said but keep an open mind to the views and opinions of others.  

6. Be Patient
A pause, even a long pause, does not necessarily mean that the speaker has finished.  Be patient and let the speaker continue in their own time, sometimes it takes time to formulate what to say and how to say it.  Never interrupt or finish a sentence for someone.

7. Avoid Personal Prejudice
Try to be impartial.  Don't become irritated and don't let the person’s habits or mannerisms distract you from what they are really saying.  Everybody has a different way of speaking - some people are for example more nervous or shy than others, some have regional accents or make excessive arm movements, some people like to pace whilst talking - others like to sit still.  Focus on what is being said and try to ignore styles of delivery. 

8. Listen to the Tone
Volume and tone both add to what someone is saying.  A good speaker will use both volume and tone to their advantage to keep an audience attentive; everybody will use pitch, tone and volume of voice in certain situations – let these help you to understand the emphasis of what is being said.  

9. Listen for Ideas – Not Just Words
You need to get the whole picture, not just isolated bits and pieces.  Maybe one of the most difficult aspects of listening is the ability to link together pieces of information to reveal the ideas of others.   With proper concentration, letting go of distractions, and focus this becomes easier.

10. Wait and Watch for Non-Verbal Communication
Gestures, facial expressions, and eye-movements can all be important.  We don’t just listen with our ears but also with our eyes – watch and pick up the additional information being transmitted via non-verbal communication.